Good Hair Good Body was born out of a need for gentle personal care (i.e. hair and hygiene) products that would be safe and comfortable to use by those with sensitive skin, multiple allergies, and naturally coily and curly hair. This brand was born out of frustration from not being able to find products well suited for the needs of people who have the aforementioned skin and hair types. It was also born out of a desire to help people see how truly beautiful and handsome they are without altering their God-given good looks.
We at Good Hair Good Body hope that you have a positive experience using our products, and as such, come to appreciate the beauty and magnificence of nature, and hence, the beauty/handsomeness and magnificence within yourself, your children, and others which was made possible by working with nature. To love and appreciate the beauty within you, you must first love and appreciate the beauty of nature.
What makes Good Hair Good Body unique is that we take cues from nature and work with nature to formulate personal care products that our ancestors made from materials in their immediate surroundings. We understand that ALL natural and good living things and beings have an expiration date, so why should our products be any different?
With the exception of some synthetic components in some of the fragrances we utilize, our products are unique in that they are plant-based and preservative-free or naturally preserved using plant products and/or products of fermentation. Our motto is, "If you cannot eat it, then do NOT wear it."
Please remember that all non-human life forms that currently live today survived by working with nature. They did not take more than they needed or abuse nature. They were and are good custodians.
We can learn much from nature. It is one of our greatest teachers, and it will change to survive us (humans) if we fail to pay attention.
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